Soul of Chogokin - Dragonzord Is Coming!

Get those Dragon Daggers ready – it’s time to summon the Dragonzord!
After the highly successful release of the Diecast Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Megazord, premiere collectible toy company Tamashii Nations is ready to follow up the hype with a Diecast Dragonzord.
Twitter user @TendouToys provided the first look at the design blueprints for the upcoming toy, seemingly confirming its future release down the road. In November, the first photos of the toy surfaced from Amiami Hobby Toys, as seen below. As of now, Tamashii Nations has not provided any timetable or comment for the toy’s release.

Tamashii Nations released the toy under two names: one to represent Power Rangers, and one to represent Super Sentai. The Diecast Megazord/Soul of Chogokin was released in two box arts, one for each show. The Diecast Dragonzord/Dragon Caesar is expected to follow suit, allowing fans to add to their collection of Tamashii Nations’ Megazord products.
Fans who own both products will be able to combine the two to form the Mega Dragonzord.
More info & Pre Orders coming soon!